i expect him to come through here any minute now LOL
Solars addresses hacked emails in VIBE Interview
(go here to read the interview with Solars hacker: http://istillloveher.de/2010/05/solars-hacker-interviewed-by-vibe/ )
the day we have been waiting on has arrived.. exactly one week after the hacker took control over Solars email and twitter account, Solar finally spoke out, on friday he gave VIBE the exclusive interview. And he pretty much said what we expected. Of course: “we’ve seen some emails but they’re not the complete emails. They were edited to some degree and just portions of full emails. And they definitely were private documents which are… Basically, the documents were manipulated to trash my reputation” and: “Well, even some of the stuff that’s accurate has been largely manipulated, so it’s hard to speak on it but a lot of the stuff that has been put on Twitter has been fake.”
He also speaks on Premo claiming that Solar didnt take care of Guru while he was in the hospital and says: “Guru received the top level of care….he had a 24-hour video monitoring system because of his celebrity. Quite honestly, from my records and what I’ve heard, I’m not even sure there was any visit from DJ Premier. Guru was in the intensive care unit and visiting regulations were very strict. Only family members and I were allowed to see him as far as I know.” Notice for the first time he actually called him Dj Premier, instead of “Gurus Ex-DJ”.
I dont even wanna get into the whole interview cause honestly, it neither impressed me nore was it very interesting.. just completely predictable.. if u still wanna read it, go here: http://vibe.com/content/v-exclusive-solar-addresses-twitter-email-hacker
On the same day the interview came out, the hacker lost control over Solars twitter account. The same day, he sent me the following message from a different account: “please RT: DON’T TRUST @SOLAR_7GRAND, @GURUGANGSTARR AND @7GRANDRECORDS ANYMORE! TWITTER TOOK ACTIONS, NO ACCESS ANYMORE :(”
Solars account has apparently not been handed back over to Solar yet, since all the tweets and profile picture posted by the hacker are still on there. The hackers new account closed down the same day. I wonder if we will hear from him again..
The past couple days have been very quiet but I have a feeling that within the next weeks theres some more surprises comin up concerning this case. In the meantime..lets remember Guru with this beautiful tribute video: http://vimeo.com/11393544 and pray that Solar will get what he deserves..
Solars Hacker interviewed by VIBE
It was just a matter of time we got to read an official questioning of Solars hacker. I have to admit, I tried to get an Interview too, obviously that didnt happen (but thats ok, i`m not mad at you ;-).. Earlier today the hacker, still logged into Solars twitter account, reveiled that he was in fact a guy, and not a girl as he had claimed days ago, this was a protective strategy he says. I know we all have had several questions going through our heads regarding this person who reveiled material that could destroy Solars career (if there ever was one), his personal life and might even get him arrested.. Unfortunately the hacker could not answer all of the questions, as of yet, since he still has to be careful of how much he puts out there about himself and others. Nevertheless, he did talk about his motives “I’m angry because [of the] things popped off on the Internet about Solar. There were rumors going on about Solar selling Guru’s house while Guru was in the hospital. So when people came forward like Solar’s baby mother, I was like, ‘Let’s expose this guy.’ So that’s why I did it.” he goes on: “I only want the truth out. I don’t want fame or recognition. The truth is the most important thing. Solar in my eyes is a very shady dude and all the things he did to Guru is crazy. He shouldn’t get away with it.”
Upon asked if he had any help hacking Solars accounts he states that somebody, who he will not name, did in fact give him Solars email address, and from there, he says, it was an easy way into Solars emails, twitter and eventually Myspace: “Well Solar’s a stupid asshole because he emailed all the passwords to himself a couple of times. All MySpace passwords, all Twitter passwords.”
He also says that noone from Solars team or Solar himself has contacted him, or tried to stop him: “in the meantime he’s letting everything come out and not defending anything. So yeah, it bugs me that he’s not defending himself at this moment. It’s crazy.” On a positive note, there havent been any threats towards the hacker either.
“If Solar starts lying again then I can leak those things to let the world see.” he claims and elaborates: ” I’ve got a shitload of pics of him cheating. I don’t think I leaked this completely…. When Guru was in the hospital fighting for his life, Solar sent an email from Guru’s email account to EMI and said, ‘I want to transfer 1K from my bank account to another bank account.’ And that bank account is Solar’s bank account. I’ve got several bank records indicating that he was stealing from Guru. And some documents indicating that all the royalties from EMI went to 7 Grand [his record label]. I’ve got an email showing that he didn’t pay Doo Wop.”
Today was the 7th day the hacker was in control of Solars accounts. How much longer will it take for Solar to speak up?
Read the full interview here: http://www.vibe.com/content/v-exclusive-meet-renaldo-solars-self-proclaimed-hacker
Go here to read the interview with Solar, addressing the hacker: http://istillloveher.de/2010/05/solars-addresses-hacked-emails-in-vibe-interview/