take ur damn shades off Solar! does he realise that no one is on his side?
Solars response to being accused of writing Gurus last letter.
We knew this would come, didnt expect it so soon though. For those of you who have no idea whats going on, here a short wrap-up: Upon Gurus death April 19th Solar released a letter he claimed was written by Guru as his last letter to family and friends. (To read the letter, go here: http://istillloveher.de/?p=328 ) The letter make both fans and friends very sceptical as to if it had really been written by Guru, or if Solar had prepared it himself.
Solar has now responded to those rumors on MTV news, he says:
“I mean, it’s ridiculous,” he said. “Guru knew this time would come. The great artist he is, us being intelligent people, we knew there was going to have to be a statement relating to this. Unfortunately, there are those who have the wicked agenda, and just can’t accept that Guru and I have handled this thing as men and not children, and this is how men of honor handle their business. He arranged his press release. I’m the repository of Guru’s life story. I recorded his life story for book and for movies. We’re not foolish. He was diagnosed with cancer well over a year ago. It’s been operations and so forth. It would be ridiculous for him to not be prepared.”
Me, personally, i`m not buying it.. there has been way too much shadyness involving Solar and his relationship with Guru for me to believe anything coming out of that mans mouth. We shall see what happens next. The Truth will come out eventually.
Along with me there are many doubters and I predict more opinions being heard very soon.
Guru’s long time friend Dj Doo Wop commented on the letter Solar released from Guru:
When ur friends with someone for over 15 yrs, u get familiar with how they express themself. Guru DID NOT write that letter.
Gurus Nephew after Guru was admitted to the hospital: “Solar has completely cut us off. My family has no way of knowing what is going on with Guru’s situation,”