I, myself just recently heard about the case of Oscar Grant. I was shoked and moved by the injustice and brutality that Oscar Grant had to experience, and resulted in his death. Everybody should know about this and please spread the word. The Police is out of control!
On January 1, 2009, local Oakland transit police murdered Oscar Grant in cold blood. His murderer is currently on trial in Los Angeles, and the jury is currently in deliberation. We are days away from a verdict and Bambu decided to take to the intersection of Florence and Normandie in his hometown of LA to send a message of solidarity to the people of Oakland. Bambu pushes for safe and calculated mobilizing, but makes it a point to encourage the natural emotion that people may be overwhelmed with if the verdict is not a just one.
Organize. Strategize. Project.
Research and find out where you can mobilize with others in your city.
***Bambu is not encouraging or supporting any unlawful action***