Considering that the Wu-Tang Clan has announced an appearance at Splash Festival this summer here in Germany, it was clear that they had some shit comin out! and when i say shit (which i can say since Germany is uncensored lol) i mean SHIT! (the good kind).. With production by the Alchemist this track bangs hard enough to throw me back into my 90s mindstate when I used to bump Wu on my disc man (one of them held together by duck…good times!) i`m really feelin this joint and even the video isnt bad (considering how hard it is to make an outstanding video nowadays).. so check this out, and may i remind you of that incredible Michael Jackson sampled track by Method Man, Ghostface & Raekwon? THE WU IS BACK! “Wu Tang Clan aint nothin to fuck with!!!” ;-)
Download Inspectah Deck – The Champion here: