Deep somewhere within Southern California, in the city of Riverside, in a place affectionately known by those in the know as the Inland Empire, exists an Earthy force. One to be reckoned with. This melting pot city, like many others, hosts a wide variety of ethnic groups and cultures who all share the struggles indicative of their surroundings. What is not like many other cities, is the sound. This hub of talent has such depth that it is soon to boil over into the industry and the streets of the world. That being said, allow me to introduce, Vision.
This 100% Native American powerhouse is a threat in many great ways. He composes music, performs at a host of shows and battles, can break dance, he DJ’s and the man can lay down a mean BBQ.
It’s not that I know the man personally that I say this, but when it comes to Vision musically I’m not sure I can find the right words to convey the power and potential I feel he has to offer. He has an intimate love of Hip-Hop and an understanding that is a perfect character trait to his Native heritage.
Short story. We once got lost camping out on a hike. Thought we would take a short cut, like “hey, I bet this trail will lead back to the main one”. I remember looking at Vision the moment what I’m about to say next occurred. He suddenly got a very serious look to his face, his eyes became almost stone and black and he simply said, “I’ll find a way”. He then surfed down the side of this mountain, ran up the other side, looked around and signaled to us to follow. We were like, “Nah, he didn’t” but indeed he did. I mean, we were all buggin’ out on the way back to camp. Did he really do that in front of us? It was as if he transformed into this majestic buffalo and traversed the plain. Ha. OK, maybe not like that but you get my drift. When it was said that if you have an Indian in your crew you will never be lost, I have to say I believe that one. He was one with the Earth in that moment more so than he normally is. He knew the way without knowing it. That is the same approach he has to music. He knows the way without knowing it.
Be on the lookout for this guy as he will most likely be barging his way into your rhyme cypher at any given moment to either just spit bars or to challenge any and all to a battle. All in the name of Hip-Hop.
I hope that by know you are navigating his Soundcloud from the song link, as the song I had set to play should be ending by now.
Please enjoy at your leisure and remember to listen responsibly.
– Mr. Nicholas Nice