Born and raised States side, I’ve heard almost zero Euro Hip-Hop. In some ways my ignorance led me to believe that American Hip-Hop was the one true culture of this undying movement. I was wrong.
Euro Hip-Hop stands on its own and the “language barrier” is no match for the soul of great music.
“Lieb es oder lass es” by Umse, was my introduction to this European discovery. Pure Hip-Hop to the core, this track brings me back to the roots & stylings of this genre. The beat is not produced in a modern, electronic ,hip-hop way. It feels natural & I love that. I caught myself playing the entire album and never wanting it to end. I don’t know a lick of German, but I do know I’m falling in love.
Umse is a perfect example of perfecting the roots of urban music & creating something clean, & natural to listen to. Often I hear in the US overly produced & “techno-fied” beats & listening to the masterpiece tracks on the EP “Lieb es oder lass es” brought back my belief that Hip-Hop is not dead. It’s time for a resurrection & I’m looking in the direction of Europe.
Hip-Hop will never die, as long as the music we love keeps getting made, by artists with truth & vision. And whether in the US or Germany, great music is great music. Can’t wait to see what I discover next.
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By Isabelle Champagne