Note: This is a quiet a long post with alot of links to look at.. but trust me, this is worth ur time!
Last week Solar released adressed the accusations I talked about before (read here: ) where the mother of Solars child and long time friend of Guru claimed Solar repeatedly abused Guru mentally as well as physically. #
“This is from a groupie that has no knowledge of anything about me and Guru. It’s unbelievable that they even put her up there. She never lived with Guru. She never knew Guru,” he retorted in an exclusive interview with UK’s Conspiracy Radio. “She was a little groupie chick that did a little work for us here and there. [We] had a little relationship that lasted all of 10 minutes. And she was gone.”
I guess he forgot to mention she`s his baby mom..
“She’s just making up tales. And why wouldn’t Guru punch me back?”
Solar fully praised the strength that Guru had when he was alive stating that he wouldn’t go for such actions against him.
“Guru is one of the strongest men [I ever met] in my life. I’ve seen Guru check quite a few chins. Guru’s nobody’s punk,” Solar said. “Look at Guru…there’s no sugar in his tank, so to speak.”
“These are just cowards taking cheap shots at a man that’s not here anymore and they should be ashamed of themselves. Guru always stood up for himself. ”
Solar also took time to speak on Guru’s sister, who questioned the letter that was released after the Gurus death.
“I don’t know what the influence was,” she said. “I don’t know if it was drugs, brainwashing, whatever. I don’t know if it was blackmail. For whatever reason, my brother decided to trust him with his life, and we see where that ended up. It’s an American tragedy, as far as I’m concerned.”
Solar responded:
“The crazies are talking now. Trish (Patricia Elam, Guru’s older sister) is speaking when Trish and Guru haven’t spoken, haven’t seen each other in I don’t know how long. These are two people that did not get along.”
Solar also stated that Guru’s sickness caused him to become closer to Gurus father.
“I’ve been to their house, I’ve been to their home to eat. They’ve been to my home to eat. These are out and out lies aimed at me, but its putting Guru is the wrong light. They are attacking me, but what are they saying about Guru? This is a man that can’t handle himself? I’m not that kind of person to do that. Even if I was, Guru would be obligated to not do that.”
“In attacking me, you are attacking Guru, because you are saying he couldn’t think for himself,” Solar said.
Well…this is just another display of Solar living in his own small world.. None of us are attacking Guru at all, we love him, and we want the truth to be reveiled. Being physically or mentally abused has nothing to do with weakness, but with the circumstances under which the abuse happened. And it sounds like any of us couldve found ourselves being abused why such a sneaky character as Solar appears to be.
On this quest of finding the truth some people take on extraordinary measures, such as hacking Solars twitter and email accounts. A number of Solars emails were released by the hacker yesterday and she promises to reveal more, (twittered from Solars account):
“Remember that I am doing this for Guru. We all deserve the truth,” the hacker Twittered. “I’ve posted these e-mails for you, now let me know what you think of them. Should I post more? Should I stop? Am I smooth? Elaborate! I’ve got around 800 mails lol, so it will take a while…”
She has been Tweeting from Solar’s account since May 7th, these are only some of the tweets he was posted:
Guru had a secret e-mail address Solar didnt know
And for the record: Guru WANTED to leave 7 grand. Guru begged Solar to get the operation done, but Solar wanted to tour in europe.
But to be honest, Solar doesn’t have a clue how Twitter works. He gave orders to his PR Firm to update Guru’s and Solar’s Twitter.
Well, the farewell letter is obviously fake as you can see in the leaked e-mails. There are different drafts of that letter.
This makes me mad: When GURU died, no grief whatsoever in his e-mails! Just business as usual as you can see in the mails i leaked.
Solar did something very very very grimey to Guru that shocked the hell out of me. And i’m sure you will find out soon enough, not from me.
Solar did control Guru’s Mail, Facebook, Twitter and Myspace. And Guru wanted to leave 7 Grand and Solar.
Solar HATED DJ Doo Wop, i mean, fo real, he hated his guts. Those mails are wayyyy to explicit, so i am not going to leak them in respect.
These are the emails the female hacker released: (including nude pictures that were sent to Solar…so much for bein a 5percenter and married man)
Personal Note, regarding something you will read in the emails, I saw Guru and Solar perform here in my hometown in Germany in the december of 2009 and Guru looked very weak and had no energy. Rumors then were that he was doing drugs, but apparently it was the cancer, which noone knew of back then. To think that Solar made Guru go on tour, while he couldve had the chance to live longer receiving medical treatment, made him go on tour probably to make money one last time befor Guru would pass.. thats just tragic.
tour rider: (nice to bring all that alcohol backstage when Guru had to stop drinking..) (0bviously not concerned while Guru in the hospital, and yeah that is not his wife emailing him lol) wow thats how u work out a press release!! lol “i am the only one with access to Guru” not payin …very classy move Solar Solars statement
for more emails that have been reveiled a few hours ago
to be continued… (Solars twitter account is Solar_7Grand)