From personal life to industry life the road has not been an easy traveled road for veteran artist >TOPIC finally free’d from a turmoiled deal wit SRC UNIVERSAL, TOPIC has now taken the game >into his own hands with the formation of his own independant company Boss Life World, his >newest project “Freedom Aint Free” which is being considered an instant classic on its way has >been topic of conversation thru out the streets of Los Angeles being highly compared to TOPIC’S >highly acclaimed mixtape hosted by dj skee and dj kay slay The Coast Guard which was was >released in 2007 without further or do TOPIC gives you the first official leak off “Freedom Aint >Free” due to be released later this summer.
Free Mp3: TOPIC “F.A.F. Intro (Freedom Ain’t Free)”
From personal life to industry life the road has not been an easy traveled road for veteran artist >TOPIC finally free’d from a turmoiled deal wit SRC UNIVERSAL, TOPIC has now taken the game >into his own hands with the formation of his own independant company Boss Life World, his >newest project “Freedom Aint Free” which is being considered an instant classic on its way has >been topic of conversation thru out the streets of Los Angeles being highly compared to TOPIC’S >highly acclaimed mixtape hosted by dj skee and dj kay slay The Coast Guard which was was >released in 2007 without further or do TOPIC gives you the first official leak off “Freedom Aint >Free” due to be released later this summer