Download the song here
The Spill Out Series Vol. 4 is now available on iTunes. To purchase click me.
We wanted to start you off with just a taste before we share the full project with you so you can get the 3-song single off iTunes for just $2.97. We did this for a couple reasons. For one, we wanted to give you a low ticket item for you to be able to support us. We know times are rough all around so we ain’t trying to break your backs out here. Also, and more importantly we want to take our time with you, the listener. Too often I feel cats are flooding the market with song after song devaluing themselves and the music as a whole. We want to take our time with it and give you the opportunity to digest our music slowly. We promise not to treat our music as a dime a dozen if you do as well. Of course immediately after this we’re gonna hit you with mixtape after mixtape because I just can’t sit on all this hot fire sen. You know it’s all sweet 16?s from here on out. lol. jk (i hope). So without further ado, click the link to jump to iTunes and support the movement. If you could rate it as well to show these cats what they’re missing if they don’t cop it would be greatly appreciated.