Produced by K’riem Scott (@kri3m), “Black Timbs” is used metaphorically to describe her preparation for “war”. Timberland boots are synonymous with New York City style and are known to be very durable in time of conflict. The “war” she depicts is the one she is constantly having within herself as well as with societal oppressors.
For the last few years (with the exception of Nicki Minaj), there hasn’t been many women emcees that make it to the mainstream from the underground. Unless you are actively looking, you would think that there aren’t many of them who make street Hip Hop. One artist who hopefully makes her mark with this sort of music is Nello Lucchi. With a name like Nello Lucchi, you would instantly think of a different artist, but she is totally the opposite of what you think she is. On “Black Timbs”, she does what a lot of artist don’t do anymore: be personal and bare her soul. Over a dark, bleak beat with chopped strings, a subtle guitar, and trap drums, K’riem Scott gives her a perfect backdrop to paint a picture. She rhymes “Mama on them thangs, grandma at them courts, yeah my Pops is sane. Felt like a mistake, can’t get shit straight, back pay heavy, can’t sit shit straight. If you ask me, won’t tell you that shits great. I’m a tell you that real real, fuck I’m pissed, wait.”
“This that black Timbs all year song”, she says in the chorus which keeps the song rolling. This is a dope release from an artist that seems like they are headed in the right direction.
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