Reflection Eternal “Ballad of the Black Gold” from Sam Ellison on Vimeo.
New Video & DL: Reflection Eternal – Midnight Hour
Sorry for postin this with a delay.. had to go mia for the past couple days… Soo, heres the new Reflection Eternal video ft Estelle.. the album is finally to drop 5/18…
Download the song here:
Reflection Eternal – Midnight Hour ft Estelle
So we r gettin another taste off of the new Reflection Eternal album “Revolutions per minute) (set to drop May 18th).. Now, I LOVE Reflection Eternal for what they gave us on their first album, that record was a milestone in my personal hip hop history..This tune right here is cute, i like how it starts off but when it slows down and gets to the singing, it turns into a song i believe the ladies will like it alot more than the gents (and although i am a lady i dont often go for the lady tunes) . And I can already hear the heads saying how they want the old Reflection Eternal ;-).. Well, hear for yourself… and luckily, we got to hear “Just begun ft Jay Electronica, J.Cole & Mos Def” which gives me hope that this just might be an incredible record.
Download “Midnight Hour” here:
Download “Just begun” here: