(go here to read the interview with Solars hacker: http://istillloveher.de/2010/05/solars-hacker-interviewed-by-vibe/ )
the day we have been waiting on has arrived.. exactly one week after the hacker took control over Solars email and twitter account, Solar finally spoke out, on friday he gave VIBE the exclusive interview. And he pretty much said what we expected. Of course: “we’ve seen some emails but they’re not the complete emails. They were edited to some degree and just portions of full emails. And they definitely were private documents which are… Basically, the documents were manipulated to trash my reputation” and: “Well, even some of the stuff that’s accurate has been largely manipulated, so it’s hard to speak on it but a lot of the stuff that has been put on Twitter has been fake.”
He also speaks on Premo claiming that Solar didnt take care of Guru while he was in the hospital and says: “Guru received the top level of care….he had a 24-hour video monitoring system because of his celebrity. Quite honestly, from my records and what I’ve heard, I’m not even sure there was any visit from DJ Premier. Guru was in the intensive care unit and visiting regulations were very strict. Only family members and I were allowed to see him as far as I know.” Notice for the first time he actually called him Dj Premier, instead of “Gurus Ex-DJ”.
I dont even wanna get into the whole interview cause honestly, it neither impressed me nore was it very interesting.. just completely predictable.. if u still wanna read it, go here: http://vibe.com/content/v-exclusive-solar-addresses-twitter-email-hacker
On the same day the interview came out, the hacker lost control over Solars twitter account. The same day, he sent me the following message from a different account: “please RT: DON’T TRUST @SOLAR_7GRAND, @GURUGANGSTARR AND @7GRANDRECORDS ANYMORE! TWITTER TOOK ACTIONS, NO ACCESS ANYMORE :(”
Solars account has apparently not been handed back over to Solar yet, since all the tweets and profile picture posted by the hacker are still on there. The hackers new account closed down the same day. I wonder if we will hear from him again..
The past couple days have been very quiet but I have a feeling that within the next weeks theres some more surprises comin up concerning this case. In the meantime..lets remember Guru with this beautiful tribute video: http://vimeo.com/11393544 and pray that Solar will get what he deserves..