Who cares about Awards anymore?
I remember when award shows were about who won the awards. About acknowledging artistry. When the news of who won what were of far greater interest than the outfits worn and the little beefs between artists back- and on stage.
I remember when I rooted for Michael Jackson to win all of them and waited impatiently to find out if he did.
It doesn’t seem to be like that anymore. People don’t really seem to care much about that anymore at all. They seem to care about the clothes, who was accompanied by who and is therefore sleeping with them, about scandals and hair styles. Maybe performances. But the awards? Nah.
Isn’t this a reflection of the state of the music business? People don’t buy music, so why should they care about awarding sales or artistry measured by professionals or sometimes fans. Has the music business turned so much into Hollywood that awarding an artists work holds no weight?
Those who really care about the music don’t care about award shows because they know that the most talented artists never win. They know that the game is rigged. And those who don’t care about the music, and care more for the private lives of musicians…well, why would they care about awards? So every year the same award shows are held and artists show up to show off their latest hairstyle, partner or gender change, watch others perform non-groundbreaking shows and use the stage to joke about non-relevant matters. Trophies get handed out and the next day nobody even talks about who won what. All I see are lists of best and worst outfits and speculations on Instagram about who was shading who.
Well, when MTV doesn’t air music anymore, I guess it only makes sense for them to showcase entertainers instead of musicians.
Maybe Dilla saw the future when we declined to grab his award with Tribe.
Follow my thoughts here: @IStillLoveHER