Full Clip is a savage EP. Let me say that to get it out the way. Bernard Jabs shows so much promise and has intricate pieces to the puzzle right now to really have a good career. Good beat selection, catchy choruses, and rides a beat effortlessly. On “Hit List”, he say “I don’t not got time for people/I can’t be kind for people/Had it twisted/they was rocking the wave/days later they was stuck on the wave/we only sleep for some hours a day/the proof in the pudding boy/look at my face/They looking, I guess they stuck in they ways/Full clip, and I point at your brain.” The small collective of producers (Nikko Bunkin, KStackz, Trellgotwings, Sidepce) give him a great canvas to work with. “Up in Smoke”, “5 AM”, and the aforementioned “Hit List” are a few stand out tracks on this project. I don’t know what’s going to happen to him in the long run, but for right now, Bernard Jabs has everything in order, and hopefully he can bubble to the surface for everyone else to hear and see.
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