Raps United Nation:
Billy Danze (M.O.P) is looking for the best unsigned MCs
in Germany, US and Canada
Raps United Nation ist DIE Platform for indie Artists. R.U.N. ist ein internationales Movement, Künstler, Promoter, DJ’s aus Ländern auf der ganzen Welt sind zusammengekommen für dieses Projekt was dem ganzen eine unglaublich starke Präsenz und Stimme verleiht! Billy Danze von M.O.P. hat dieses Projekt gestartet und betreut es auch jetzt um Künstlern auf der ganzen Welt dabei zu helfen ihre Musik zu verbreiten, einige der Künstler von früheren R.U.N. mixtapes hat er sogar zu Plattenverträgen verholfen.
Die erste Deutsche Version von R.U.N. ist nun in Produktion und Billy Danze sucht zusammen mit Dj Illegal (Snowgoons) die besten MCs Deutschlands um dem Rest der Welt zu zeigen wie sich “German Rap” anhört! Wenn Ihr dabei sein wollt könnt ihr Informationen zu Einsendungen bei “Submit the Following” in dieser Email finden. Einsendeschluss ist der 29.09.2012!
US, Canada:
Raps United Nation is the door opener for artist, building an international crew with our 1 plan 1 movement motto gives all the artist a louder voice and greater visibility. the project are designed to keep “RUN” in the people faces as this large group of worthy artist that will not take no for an answer… we have connections in every country in the world so every song will be serviced to djs around the world, also each mixtape will been sent to A&Rs, CEOs and Presidents of major and indie record companies. the people involved with We Build Hits and Raps United Nation has an obligation to help artist like yourself…We would like to have every artist representing “RUN” as “RUN” will represent every artist, with constant release of “RUN” projects your voice will be heard because this is your movement, your team, your brand. “RUN” is not a mixtape IT A POWER MOVEMENT
Submit The Following:
Artist Name:
Artist Email:
Contact Phone:
Website URL:
Twitter URL:
Facebook Fanpage:
Track Name:
Please Encode Your MP3s Correctly Artist-Name_Track_Name_Clean_Dirty.mp3 and make sure track is at least 320K
Send All Versions Of Track If Available – Clean – Dirty – Instrumental -Accapella
Send All Submission To:
Germany: Germany.wave@gmail.com Deadline: September 29th
USA: runmp3s@rapsunitednation.com
Canada: rapsunited.canada@gmail.com Deadline: October 07th
Note There Will Be Small Fee If Your Track is Chosen For Projects
Raps United Nation – Trailer
Billy Danze speaks about R.U.N. Canada
Billy Danze speaks about R.U.N. Germany